Ceramic Tech Chat

Research and Education for Nuclear Waste: Charmayne Lonergan

The American Ceramic Society Episode 7

If nuclear energy is to become a major contributor to the energy portfolio, we must find ways to safely and effectively dispose of the radioactive waste it generates. Pacific Northwest National Laboratory materials scientist Charmayne Lonergan discusses what she's learning through her research on vitrifying Cold War era nuclear waste at PNNL, how the laboratory helps educate the public about this technology, and her goals as a STEM Ambassador to increase diversity in the sciences.

View the transcript for this episode here.

About the guest
Charmayne Lonergan is a materials scientist at Pacific Northwest National Laboratory in Richland, Washington. Outside of her work on the vitrification of nuclear waste, Lonergan serves as a PNNL STEM Ambassador, co-chair of the ACerS Young Professionals Network Steering Committee, and on the ACerS Publications Committee. Check out displays that PNNL's STEM Ambassadors use when talking to the community about their work here.

About ACerS
Founded in 1898, The American Ceramic Society is the leading professional membership organization for scientists, engineers, researchers, manufacturers, plant personnel, educators, and students working with ceramics and related materials.