Ceramic Tech Chat
Ceramic Tech Chat
Deformable ceramics and next-gen functionalities: Xufei Fang
What if ceramics are not as brittle as conventionally believed? Xufei Fang, junior group leader in the nonmetallic inorganic materials research group at the Technical University of Darmstadt, shares how his background in metals positioned him to pursue the study of dislocations in ceramics, reviews his current research in the TU Darmstadt group led by Jürgen Rödel, and describes initiatives underway to educate the larger ceramics community about this research field.
View the transcript for this episode here.
About the guest
Xufei Fang is junior group leader in the nonmetallic inorganic materials research group led by Jürgen Rödel at the Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany. He studies dislocation-based functionality of ceramic materials and their mechanical properties. He and colleagues recently established a master's course on ceramic dislocations, as well as helped organize sessions at several meetings on this topic.
About ACerS
Founded in 1898, The American Ceramic Society is the leading professional membership organization for scientists, engineers, researchers, manufacturers, plant personnel, educators, and students working with ceramics and related materials.