Ceramic Tech Chat

Building cross-border research communities: Olivia Graeve

The American Ceramic Society Episode 18

While increased innovation is a desirable outcome of a diverse workforce, the compassion and understanding that arise is what will truly help us break down walls and build a better world. Olivia Graeve, professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at the University of California, San Diego, discusses her life growing up in Tijuana, Mexico, why she believes compassion is the key to a diverse community, and describes her work building bridges between Mexico and the U.S. as director of the CaliBaja Center for Resilient Materials & Systems.

View the transcript for this episode here.

About the guest
Olivia Graeve is professor of mechanical and aerospace engineering at the University of California, San Diego, and director of the CaliBaja Center for Resilient Materials & Systems. Her research group focuses on the design, development, and manufacturing of materials in extreme environments. The CaliBaja Center is a binational research institute that hosts both research and educational activities to connect students in Mexico and the United States.

About ACerS
Founded in 1898, The American Ceramic Society is the leading professional membership organization for scientists, engineers, researchers, manufacturers, plant personnel, educators, and students working with ceramics and related materials.